About Norwest Hand Therapy

We are experts at everything from your elbow down to your finger tips.

Choosing an experienced hand therapist could be the first step to recovery. No matter what your injury, you can be confident our focus in on patient care. We want you to feel like your story is heard, and we will ensure that your rehabilitation is tailored to your individual needs. Our priority is making our patients feel heard, and delivering rehabilitation with care and compassion. Whether you’re an athlete, parent, busy professional, student or retiree our research informed knowledge will help guide you through the rehabilitation process. 

We see a huge range of conditions from sports and post-surgical injuries, to arthritis and occupation based overuse injuries.


Splinting and Casting

We can create custom made splints and casts or can fit you with off the shelf braces and supports Hand therapists have an advanced knowledge of splint/cast design and application. This means depending on your injury and the your individual needs  we can design and fit something that is unique to you. Whether you need something to protect your injury, something that is waterproof, something to help you get back to work sooner or something to protect your hand when you go back to sports – we have you covered. 

If you are covered by ACC, the majority of the costs associated with splinting and casting will be covered. Please feel free to discuss this at your appointment. 


Our therapists can provide acupuncture to support your recovery and adhere to the guidelines set out by the Physiotherapy Acupuncture Association of New Zealand.

Physiotherapy acupuncture association of New Zealand

Telehealth Appointments

We want to make getting the right advice and treatment accessible for anyone. During the COVID -19 lockdowns telehealth was introduced so that people could still have access to hand therapy from home. Now this technology exists we can now offer telehealth across a range of different platforms wherever you are in the country. This can be via user-friendly video or phone consultations. You will need a computer/laptop with a camera and microphone or a smart phone. If this isn’t possible, we can provide phone consultations, but video is preferable as it allows us to see you and your injury, and demonstrate treatment techniques and exercises more clearly. Like an in person appointment you do not need a referral and there is no charge for ACC clients. Onwards referrals to radiology and specialists are available as required. If you are interesting in this service please email us at admin@norwesthandtherapy.co.nz

Onward Referral

We can send you for x-rays and ultrasound scans locally if you need any further investigations for your injury.

Norwest Hand Therapy works closely with local orthopaedic and plastic hand surgeons. If you need a second opinion we can refer you to specialists on the North Shore, West Auckland and Central Auckland.


We are governed by our professional bodies Physiotherapy New Zealand and Hand Therapy New Zealand. 

Handtherapy New Zealand